

you were my first
you could have been my last
you are my lost

And to YHWH
You are my first
You are my last
I'm no longer lost
Isaiah 61:1-3
" for ashes..."

- Mildred Achoch, 4th September, 2011


A big thank you to David Citino and his amazing, inspirational book "Paperwork", for reminding me that poems - and poets - are worth something.

Many thanks to my namesake "Mimi" Mik for taking the time to read my crazy poems, and for giving me her invaluable feedback. You rock!

Asante sana to Murfy's Flaw for being one of the coolest and 'down-to-earthest' Kenyan rock bands! And for allowing their awesome song "In Silence" to be part of the soundtrack of this book of poems.

I salute the prolific poet Phatalvision for reading ALL my poems! By the way sir, "old school" is "gold 'n' cool" :-)

I am very thankful to my mum, dad and sister, for putting up with me all these years. I love you!

Friday, September 30, 2011

3.3077 minutes ahead

She wanted him
She had been chaste

There was
confusion in communication

He'll never lie
with me again

infinite love
and sorrow

her hope had
remained embalmed

he was embalmed
in time


She tried to visualize love
No, it wasn't possible!
But of course it was,
if worked out intellectually
if she just lay flat
not love-making
merely a formal prostration
to the exigencies of glands
and time flow

She sat up in bed;
longing for movement,


they had fallen into routine
so as not to bump into each other
They conversed in bulletins
did not ask questions
unless questions were necessary
They walked slightly apart
They made detours round each other's lives

What had he said?
That was lost.

'Don't worry' he said
It could be worse
We could be a day apart
3.3077 minutes
allows us a measure
of communication

Please time your statements
So that we do not talk at


I want to know your feelings
how you are
what you are

I am not suffering
I have completely recovered
There is no reason to foresee
that my perceptions
will ever lapse back
into phase with yours

They have remained
an unfluctuating
3.3077 minutes ahead

Poet's Note:
This is a found poem from portions of one of my favourite science fiction short stories. "Man in his time" has been haunting me since the first time I read it. It is the story of a man who - due to a mishap during his space expedition - crashes back to earth only to discover that he is exactly 3.3077 minutes ahead of earth time! Can you imagine the chaos this would cause in his relationships?

Actually, you don't have to imagine. The author of the story, brilliant Mr. Brian W. Aldiss, does an excellent job of outlining the resulting chaos and communication misunderstandings.

We poets, dreamers and other visionaries can relate to the idea of being 'ahead of time'. We do understand that it takes a toll on our relationships. All we can hope for is to find more people who are close to "our time".

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Smells like an Anthem for Doomed Youth

What passing bells for those who live as cattle?
Herded together by a homogenized culture industry?
Load up on guns,
On the monstrous anger of guns
Express anger.

Express amusement,
Entertain us.

It's hard to find
The tenderness of patient minds.
It's less dangerous with the lights out.
Each slow dusk is a drawing-down of blinds.
Oh well, whatever, nevermind.

Poet's note:

This is a cento (a kind of found poem). Cento is latin for "patchwork". It is a poem "made up of passages from poems by one or more authors, a patchwork of quotations, a literary collage, a pastiche (in its sense as a mixture of poetic excerpts)"
Source: Poetry dictionary, page 53.

This particular poem is dedicated to Nirvana's Kurt Cobain who committed suicide around 5th April in 1994. He was 27. The cento is made up of lines from Nirvana's song called "Smells like teen spirit", comments from Sonic Youth's Thurston Moore about Nirvana and lines from Wilfred Owen's poem titled "Anthem for doomed youth"

Wilfred Owen (1893-1918) was a British war poet who served in the first world war. He was killed a week before the armistice. He was only 25.

"Nirvana were their generation's greatest voice, and continue to be...they identified and validated a complex and factionalized youth demographic, one alternatively entertained and disserviced by a homogenized culture industry....Nirvana expressed anger, amusement, satire, defeat, emotion and debate."

-Thurston Moore of Sonic Youth.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Approval of Abortion?

maternal mortality
all corners of the country
medics see mischief in move
to distribute the drugs


heavy bleeding
quacks in back streets
vaginal bleeding


pro-abortion agenda
pushed in a veiled manner
'saviour drug'


Poet's note: This is a found poem created from an article titled "Bitter row erupts over 'abortion' pill' written by Francis Mureithi. It appeared in the Saturday Nation dated June 18, 2011.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Yeah, I have that effect
on people

's spelling.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

There Is No God?

and scream and cry
He loves you

Poet's Note: This is a found poem of a found poem I came across on The found poem titled "ten things he does not want you to do" was created from George Carlin's 'There Is No God'

Nothing you say is safe

I couldn't believe my eye
when I heard about this guy
just flat out GIVING away
his nuts?!?

Poet's Note: This found poem was created from a spam email I received from one Jessica Anderson titled "Nothing you say is safe Mildred" :-)

The Hogshire Haikus


easier to obtain
dirty hardcore heroin
than valiant Valium


pilldom is a field,
limitless, molecular,
atom by atom


celebrity chests,
love affair with little gems,
unrepentant fiend

Poet's Note: These are found poems created from Jim Hogshire's "Pills-a-go-go: A Fiendish Investigation into Pill Marketing, Art, History and Consumption"

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Beauty, Ballet and Boredom

Birmingham from New York
Ballet work

Two parallel rows of dancers
At the bar
With the teacher

At the head
Collective arms and legs

In contrast to the two rows
Of torsos
And the bars

Young lady
Behind the ballet
Yawned a
Big, round yawn.

Poet's note: This is a found poem of a portion from the essay "A Philosophy of Photography and of Some Visual Art in General" by Rick Garlikov

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sterile Snapshot

Two hot and sweaty naked bodies.
I don't want to take her place.

Keep her then.
Do some medical experiments on her...

Prayer Spider

in her

Purple coneflowers
are over
the miniature

Garden spider
Cross spider

Something so small, stunningly,
instinctively, weaves, creates;
Each gossamer line
Deceptively delicate

I think about a man I know
It is in prayer I carry him now.

Poet's note: This is a found poem from "Praying People" by Cindy Crosby

i Vai for your attention

Whispering A Prayer
still on repeat?
Remorse and happiness
and pain too
Jubilation and triumph. Transcendence

"Two months is too little"
That is when i question god

i Vai for your attention 2

having sex on stage
Where the Wild things are
Oh the energy!

The Asian chick

Monday, September 12, 2011

Coupling Couplet

Would you still come
If you knew I won't sleep you?

Thursday, September 8, 2011


it's normal
To be staring
Willing numerous thoughts
To reach by going through

you're away

is out of order
to reach you
using telepathy!

(Poet's note: This is a found poem of a poem I wrote about ten years ago)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Apple Cult

We know
What we get
Windowers never know

We like things that work
Combined with the Mac

We even sacrifice virgins
To the computer gods
To get the Jobs done!

Earle and Ella

Ain't no drug
like good ol' pain
listen blues
when in good mood

"Lovers leave and friends will let you down
but you're the only true thing I've found"

"Good morning heartache
You're the one
Good morning heartache
Sit down"

Catching now

I remember hearing you
taking a holiday
that was months ago
I don't see you
I thought you had found
some hot...
and forgot...
about this silly....
You told it was urgent...
that you needed...
I wonder...
Are you in trouble?
Have you killed yet?

God, we have to catch now,
have to catch now.

I love getting from you

I love getting from you are so witty!
If we skin
What shall we do with the skin?
What is it you would do to cure me?


stick to those plans
start making new ones
you, me at home
not during this century!

The time is right
twist your opinion
chase me through the streets
of the city with a shotgun

chase me through the streets
of the city with a shotgun

Codeine as I wanted

usual drama
winds from sahara
Sounds heavenly to me

shooting pool
hyper as hell
asprin like a sleeping pill
codeine as I wanted

Sunday, September 4, 2011


I wanna say I'll keep on praying
but...I'm still fighting
with Him.

Who's winning?

i was too much of a smartass
i have a stone outside
it's been there for me when no one else has

I see your point. Smartass.

My's visible
I've never liked visible
I like a challenge

i like to touch
I pray He shows up in
front of you to touch Him!

Band in my mind

form a bond with the band

That's brotherhood!
It does last for life
The band, in my mind


Sitting on the toilet
That's a start I guess

Basic human needs
Your body and mind

Visit for a week
Keep my hands off you
Feel cheap afterwards

Keep my hands off you
Feel cheap afterwards


your mail, I find it amazing
we share far away
strange sound

I would love to taste
but I would prefer
the source

I love the idea of
living behind bars

I have found you!