

you were my first
you could have been my last
you are my lost

And to YHWH
You are my first
You are my last
I'm no longer lost
Isaiah 61:1-3
" for ashes..."

- Mildred Achoch, 4th September, 2011


A big thank you to David Citino and his amazing, inspirational book "Paperwork", for reminding me that poems - and poets - are worth something.

Many thanks to my namesake "Mimi" Mik for taking the time to read my crazy poems, and for giving me her invaluable feedback. You rock!

Asante sana to Murfy's Flaw for being one of the coolest and 'down-to-earthest' Kenyan rock bands! And for allowing their awesome song "In Silence" to be part of the soundtrack of this book of poems.

I salute the prolific poet Phatalvision for reading ALL my poems! By the way sir, "old school" is "gold 'n' cool" :-)

I am very thankful to my mum, dad and sister, for putting up with me all these years. I love you!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

OULIPOST #3: those of the same sex have moved

Every day this April, nearly 80 poets will write one poem per day by applying constrained writing techniques sourced from the Oulipo (Ouvroir de littérature potentielle — or “workshop of potential literature”) group to text sourced from their daily local newspaper. This is the third of thirty prompts in the Oulipost project.

The found poem below is in response to this prompt:

OULIPOST #3: Definitional Lit

Select a single sentence from a newspaper article. Replace each meaningful word in the text [verb, noun, adjective, adverb] by its dictionary definition. Repeat this treatment on the resulting sentence, and so on, until you’ve had enough! 

Selected sentence: "He is accused of claiming that devil worship and homosexuality have rocked the Church."

Level 1: "He is found at fault of asserting as a fact that a supernatural being subordinate to, and the foe of, God and the tempter of man worship and sexual desire for those of the same sex have moved or swayed strongly the Church."

found at fault
asserting as a thing
that has been or is
existing or occurring................................................................outside
the normal experience 
or knowledge of man,
caused by other than 
known forces of nature

inferior to or placed
another in rank, power,
importance, etc;
secondary to one who
maintains personal
enmity, hatred, grudge
malice against another
and the tempter of
man worship
and sexual desire

those of the same sex have moved
or swayed strongly
the edifice consecrated for public worship,
especially one for a person professing belief in
as the Christ, or in the religion based on the teachings of
honor;respect;civil deference.


Nation Reporter. "Church may defrock satanic and gay claims clergyman." The Daily Nation 3 Apr. 2014: pg 2.

Dictionary used: Websters New Universal Unabridged Dictionary, 2nd Edition.


  1. I love that you went more than one round in flushing out the definitions. That last line packs a punch.
